Reproductive System and Its Diseases

        careful who you mess with !

the human body can have many diseases which damage in an enormous way what is being our subjects today we are going to see those diseases which damage our reproductive system, what are they? no, well let's take a look at this blog.
Enfermedades del aparato reproductor masculino4 enfermedades del aparato reproductor femenino

the diseases that seriously affect our reproductive system are as follows : 
  • chlamydia  
  • syphilis
  • AIDS 
  •  ovarian cancer
  •  prostate cancer 
Now we are going to see how more of these of how they are transmitted and how we can get out of these

Common sexually transmitted infection that may be asymptomatic.
Chlamydia affects people of all ages, but it is more common in young women.
Many people with chlamydia do not develop symptoms, although they can still infect others through sexual contact. Symptoms include genital pain and discharge from the vagina or penis.
Antibiotic therapy is recommended for the affected patient and their sexual partners. Medical checks should also be done to check for other sexually transmitted infections

symptoms: It may have no symptoms, but people may suffer:
Pain areas: lower abdomen, eyes, pelvis, testicle or vagina
Circumstances in which pain occurs: when urinating or during sexual intercourse
Groin: abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding, or discharge from the penis
Also common: vaginal bleeding or eye discharge

treatments: Antibiotic therapy is recommended for the affected patient and their sexual partners. Medical checks should also be done to check for other sexually transmitted infections.

                                            shyphilis :
Bacterial infection, usually sexually transmitted, that begins with a painless sore.
Syphilis develops in stages, and symptoms can vary in each of them. The first stage is characterized by the appearance of painless sores on the genitals, rectum, or mouth. Once the initial sore is healed, the second stage is characterized by the appearance of a rash. Then, there are no symptoms until the last stage, which can occur years later. The final stage can cause damage to the brain, nerves, eyes, or heart.
Syphilis is treated with penicillin. Sexual partners should also receive the treatment.
Sifilis Vectores Libres de Derechos - iStock

Symptoms: Groin: growths like warts on the genitals, vaginal discharge, sores or painless ulcers
Skin: rashes, small bumps, or ulcers
Also common: sore throat, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, itching, weight loss, rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, swelling of the rectal lining or mouth ulce

treatments: Treatment consists of penicillin
Syphilis is treated with penicillin. Sexual partners should also receive the treatment.
                                                                  AIDS :
HIV causes AIDS and also interferes with the body's ability to fight infection.
The virus can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluids.
Within a few weeks of HIV infection, symptoms such as fever, sore throat, and fatigue may appear. Then the disease is usually asymptomatic until it turns into AIDS. Symptoms include weight loss, fever or night sweats, recurrent infections, and fatigue.
There is no cure for AIDS, but strict adherence to antiretroviral therapy can significantly slow the progress of the disease and prevent infections and secondary complications
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Symptoms:  Pain areas: abdomen
Circumstances in which pain occurs: when swallowing
Dry cough
Whole body: fatigue, fever, malaise, loss of appetite, sweating, or night sweats
Gastrointestinal: liquid diarrhea, persistent diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
Throat: difficulty swallowing or pain
Groin: swelling or sores
Mouth: white tongue or ulcers
Also common: opportunistic infection, headache, rash, swollen lymph nodes, red spots, pneumonia, severe, involuntary weight loss, or frog

treatments: There is no cure for AIDS, but strict adherence to antiretroviral therapy can significantly slow the progress of the disease and prevent infections and secondary complications.
                                           ovarian cancer :
Cancer that begins in the female organs responsible for producing eggs (ovaries).
Ovarian cancer is usually not detected until it spreads to the pelvis and belly. At this stage, ovarian cancer is more difficult to treat and can be fatal.
Ovarian cancer usually has no symptoms in the early stages. The more advanced stages usually present symptoms, but these can be unspecific, such as loss of appetite and weight.
Ovarian cancer is usually treated with surgery and chemotherapy
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Symptoms: Pain areas: abdomen or pelvis
Gastrointestinal: change in the habit of defecation, indigestion, meteorism or nausea
Abdominals: lump in the abdomen, abdominal fullness or fluid in the abdomen
Whole body: cancer-related fatigue or loss of appetite
Also common: weight loss

treatmentsOvarian cancer is usually treated with surgery and chemotherapy.

                                                       prostate cancer :
Prostate cancer, a walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid.
The male prostate produces seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm.
Symptoms include difficulty urinating, although sometimes none occur.
Some types of prostate cancer develop slowly. In some of these cases, monitoring is recommended. Other types are more aggressive and require radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and other treatments.
Campaña de cáncer de próstata | Vector Premium

Symptoms: Pain areas: bones
Urinals: Difficulty starting and maintaining a constant flow of urine, weak urine flow, dripping urine, excessive urination at night, frequent urination, urgent need to urinate, and urinary incontinence or retention

treatmentsSome types of prostate cancer develop slowly. In some of these cases, monitoring is recommended. Other types are more aggressive and require radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and other treatments.
